BWSL Objects to PUC’s 10.6% water rate increase


The Public Utilities Commission has received a letter from the Belize Water Services Limited objecting to the 10.6 rate increase which the regulator had approved for the utility on November 18. The objection was made in a letter that was received by the Public Utilities Commission on Wednesday December 2. The process will now take on the dynamic where an independent consultant will be sought to review the position of both the utility

company and the PUC and determine whether the 10.6% rate is enough for the utility to continue providing services. The process of identifying the independent consultant will run for some 20 days after which he or she will have 30 days to assess the situation and present a report.

As far as the process is concerned, it will not be until March of next year that it will be complete with any final decision to take effect on the 1st of April of 2010.