OWTC Really Looking Good


Shortly before Town Council elections on March 4, 2009, I submitted an article to Multi-Media and Guardian where I recommended Phillip to the voters of Orange Walk Town with a ringing endorsement. My article reeked with praise and confidence that he would make for a very outstanding Mayor, for the full span of his term.

This week I decided to drop in with the new Mayor of OW to see if I had not seriously erred in judgement. Recall that I once told you that power usually changes a person, at times for the better, but in several instances, it can corrupt the susceptible and the weak.


I would have preferred to use another example to prove my point on corruption and how it slowly infuses into the minds of some individuals, but every time I think of the subject one name invariably comes to attention: the former Prime Minister. Probably this is one subject I will harp on till I die or can’t see to type, but let’s be truthful: how many of you out there would have imagined the former Prime Minister to get so corrupt? I mean, the only accusation that people hurled at him prior to becoming Prime Minister was that he was a communist. Goodness, what a “communist” he turned out to be! Supposed he had not lived his life saying how much he hated the free-market economy, and that capitalism breeds greed and corruption!


I don’t think any person could have done a worse job of managing, or should I say ‘damaging’ our country more than that rotten man, who, what he did not physically give away to friends and cronies, signed off in promissory notes, settlement deeds and accommodation agreements. That man certainly had no conscience or principle, and always carried this twisted grin on his face, warped with the evil that assuredly permeates his soul.


Yikes, I started out talking about Mayor Phillip, and went on to the short fellow. What a diversion! As I was saying, I dropped by the Mayor to see how he was doing, and have never seen such optimism and energy flowing through a politician! Serious. When I was a Councillor, it was constant pressure and hassle. We were always in desperate need of money to meet some payment or the other, with debtors lining up on Fridays, jostling for the first position. And Councillors would only get allowances in arrears, sometimes months behind due date. It was a hand to mouth situation, as we like to say.


I know that presently revenues from the Orange Walk Traffic Department is now flowing smoothly into the coffers at Town Hall, and am happy at Phillip’s enthusiasm, since indeed they are in a sound financial position to do tangible work in the town. Any improvement to our very own OW benefits all our fellow citizens.


As you have seen, there are several streets that have been paved recently, and this program will continue, he says. He has just purchased $5,000 of tar to do some repairs to streets that can exist with a little maintenance. Each constituency in town will be treated fairly. Last week, one of the heavy duty garbage trucks went down with engine and differential problems, costing close to $7,000 to repair. Not only will the mayor cover the repairs, but he says he will seek to purchase another truck to improve further on garbage collection.


Since we are in the depth, or height, of the dry season, and the grass does not require much maintenance, the OWTC is concentrating on constructing sidewalks, cleaning drains and installing concrete culverts in preparation for the rainy season.


So all in all, Phillip is in good shape at Town Hall. It was refreshing to visit with him and he says he will update his fellow Orange Walkeños from time to time on different projects that he will undertake. We wish him well in his new job.