Julius attacks Francis and Johnny in the House


julius.jpg - 105.05 KbJulius Espat has been the biggest opponent to the using of Petro Caribe finances to develop the country. So much is he against the initiative that he has mounted a challenge to its use in the Supreme Court of Belize.

While that case is yet to be ventilated in court, the Prime Minister proceeded with passing legislation which is specifically designed to address the nuances that present themselves through the Petro Caribe initiative. The legislation specifically allows for the program to continue as it is currently operating where the proceeds of the program can be converted into a loan without it having to go to the National Assembly. As the PUP jumped high and low to condemn the legislation, PM Barrow pointed out that in fact what was being done is in complete consonance with the Constitution of Belize.

For Julius however that really meant nothing and he rambled on and on about the legislation. He referred to Petro Caribe as an illegal substance that the government is using.  His party leader also stood up and condemned the bill claiming that as long as he is the leader of the PUP his party or its officials would not take any of the money. No sooner had he finished saying that than Julius categorically stated that while he thinks Petro Caribe is an illegal substance, he will use it. He then is like the substance abuser who claims that the use of the money is ‘illegal’ but he will partake in using it any way. Talk about being duplicitous.

Not staying behind was the representative from Toledo West who was also quick to say that he is poor and his people are poor and he would take the money. Both these men went contrary to what the party leader had decreed at the house and really publicly went against his wishes because it would seem that they are true PUP’s, they simply cannot refuse money. We just hope and pray that when the Petro Caribe makes it to their hands they actually use it where it is supposed to be used.

Moving a bit away from the Petro Caribe bill, Julius and Johnny got into a shouting match which was precipitated by Julius admitting that the UDP had won the municipal elections.  Johnny for whom Julius has more than enough bad blood against, was quick to shout that the UDP had won everywhere except Orange Walk. To this Julius shouted “they won even in Orange Walk, they took it from a large margin to a narrow margin!” Johnny was none too pleased with this and kept on shouting that he had won Orange Walk and Julius simply dismissing him.

The bad blood between the two has its origins in a recording of Johnny Briceño in which he claimed that Julius used the PUP’s finances to ensure a victory for himself of over 1000 votes in the Cayo South division to the detriment of at least 4 other constituencies in the last General Election.