Shackron’s financial advisors need advice themselves


When asked how many people the PUP brought out in Belize City to participate in the nomination day parade Yolanda Schakron stated as follows: “I’m not good with numbers. You have to ask Jules!” Schakron admitted that she could not count up to 300 and her inability to deal with numbers has her now scrambling for financial advisors. She is so desperate that she ended up dragging Jose Coye from the rock where he had been hibernating and made him her financial guru.

But when you drag mummies out of their tombs you petrify people and Belizeans took non too kindly to the fact that Joe Coye was hauled up. The memories of malfeasance in public office, 56 parcels of prime land that belonged to the University of Belize, the Putt Putt land fiasco and many others came rushing into the forefront of the memories of many Belizeans. When he began to speak those who knew Coye as ‘Rambling Rose’ were quick to refresh their memories as to why he was given that moniker. The man rambled on and on on the financial affairs of the Belize City Council and at the end of it all even Schakron was left more confused than when the conference had started. You see, Coye, purports to be some kind of philosopher but by the time he is finished talking even he is confused.

And confusion seemed to be the order of the day during that faithful press conference which Schakron called on Monday of this week to somehow try to tarnish the good work that Mayor Darrell Bradley is doing in Belize City. She read from a prepared speech and through toil and labor she tried to understand what she was reading but to no avail. It is now evident that not only is she not good with numbers but she is also not good with words either. Even worse she is not good at selecting good advisors, while having Joe Coye at the front table was bad enough, it seemed she could not help herself and even had Troy Gabb at the head table.

Now, to have Troy Gabb giving financial advice is like having an opossum tending a foul coop, just not a good mix. Troy Gabb was front and center at the Development Finance Corporation as the institution was making its way into insolvency. In fact there is also evidence which point that he was one of the reasons why the institution almost went belly up.

Then among the audience was Sydney Campbell. He too gave viewers a recollection of financial nightmares of the past. We could clearly recall the words round tripping of 10 million dollars between the Central Bank and the Belize Bank, we also recalled a 10 million dollar Yen Swap and many other misdeeds of the Central Bank during his tenure as governor.

All told, Yolanda Schakron tried to tarnish the good financial management of the Belize City council and in the end she ended up digging up ghosts of the past that reminded all and sundry why they should not vote for the PUP. After all if she is seeking these people out for advice now imagine what she will ask them to do if she is ever elected as mayor.