Former BSCFA CEO alleges corruption within BSCFA


david madrid1.jpg - 75.25 KbThe former Chief Executive Officer of the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association came out on Facebook, swinging at the directors of the association like ‘halligator from riva bottom.’ In a posting by David Madrid of January 11, 2015 he made wide allegations of corruption against the directorship of the BSCFA. His posting was picked up by Love FM’s Arturo Cantun and in a lenghthy interview Madrid catalogued a series of allegations against the leadership of the BSCFA.

But it is not the first time that Madrid has spoken up publicly. On October 4, 2010 he had made an appearance on Channel 5 claiming very much the same thing which he claimed on Wednesday. At the time he had just been fired as the Chief Executive Officer of the association. The allegations he’s consistently made include the misappropriation of funds from Fair Trade, the Cess which farmers pay to the association, the awarding of supply contracts to select bidders among other allegations.

In his facebook posting he notes thus:

“I’ve been following the negotiation between BSCFA and ASR/BSI FOR SOME TIME. As a former CEO of the BSCFA I have insights which will not usually come to light. As a matter of a 2006 audit I was asked to investigate the fraud within the association. I completed my investigation in 2009 and the former CEO ASKED/INSTRUCTED ME TO FILE A POLICE REPORT ON EIGHT PEOPLE, MOSTLY DIRECTORS. Over $800,000.00 was dispersed to these individuals. Police refused to take a statement and refused to take a report. In 2010 negotiations started between BSCFA AND BSI. BSCFA CONTRACTED OSCAR ALONZO and gave him $ 20,000.00. Mr. Ortega had insisted giving him this contract, you have to know that Mr. Ortega was the most influential Director within the BSCFA. In 2010 December the COM fired me and I took the BSCFA to court for Wrongful Termination, the Supreme Court found in my favor and I received damages. Mr. Ortega was behind the termination and only two directors testified on behalf of the BSCFA. The judge stated I was an excellent CEO and there was no reason for my termination. The administration/operational budget for 2010 in which I was in charge of was $760,000.00, the budget for 2014 written by Oscar Alonzo/Mr. Ortega is $2,600,000.00, approved by cane farmers. Also, if you remember the CEO/Mr. Ortega convinced the farmers to give them $100,000.00 to find money to acquire BSI. MR.ORTEGA presented no plan or budget to the farmers. Now with two disbursements of $2,500,000.00 and $4,000,000.00 fairtrade will have no choice but to insist on decertification of the BSCFA. The BSCFA HAS HAD OVER THREE YEARS TO NEGOTIATE A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. It is very clear that negotiations shall take place during the off season. First and foremost the cane farmers need to deliver their product. That should be the priority of the BSCFA. To place the farmers in this position by the BSCFA/PUP DIRECTORS is criminal and is not in the best interest of cane farmers. This type of actions affects the entire North and will cripple the industry. There are only two answers now. Either sign the Commercial Agreement or allow farmers to deliver or form other associations. The cane farmers cannot allow those few PUP LETCHES TO SUCK THE INDUSTRY DRY.”

His interview on Love FM was far more telling and he catalogued the awarding of supply contracts to at least one company after it took some of the directors on a junket to Placencia. He also explained that many at times the directors would have information to pass on to the BSCFA’s membership and they never did.

But his allegations however are not new and the Guardian Newspaper has been consistently reported on the misuse of Fairtrade money and the inequitable distribution of fertilizers to farmers.