Jan 5th Set for Bi-Elections


The United Democratic Party finds itself in full gear anxiously awaiting Monday January 5 when it will reclaim the Cayo North constituency. January 5 is the day when the Bi-election has been set through a Writ of Election which was signed by the Governor General, Sir Colville Young on Tuesday February 25th.

The Writ became necessary after Joseph Mahmud, the PUP Area Representative, unceremoniously and without warning resigned from the seat on Monday November 24. With that decision, a day later the Writ was signed setting the nomination day for Monday December 15 and the election three weeks thereafter.

Though unexpected, Mahmud’s decision to vacate the seat is welcomed by the United Democratic Party which will now reclaim the constituency and deliver to the people of the area what has been missing them for almost three years.

As for Mahmud it seemed he did the most honorable thing he could have done, after all he was never truly a representative and for him to have just continued to collect his salary and the community vote of almost 7 thousand dollars a month would have been deemed as him obtaining property under false pretenses.

Now the PUP are clueless as what to do next and the UDP is ready, ready, ready, with Dr. Omar Figueroa to take back the red hills of Cayo.