PUP attempt to stop the country’s transformation


fonseca espat.jpg - 112.31 KbThe People’s United Party remain adamant that they will, by any means necessary stop the transformation that is taking place across the country. Sensing that the government’s proper use of the Petro Caribe financing facility will be their demise, they have concocted a scheme to take the matter to court in an attempt to stop government from using the Petro Caribe finances to develop Belize.

They called a press conference and huddled together in the hopes that their warm bodies would give them hope that somehow their injunction against government would be successful. The two, Julius and Francis seemed like Siamese Twins joined at the hip. It looked eerily confusing to see these two so close together. Espat must have been thinking the same thing that Fonseca was thinking: keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.

And while they sat together for comfort and distrust, they said they were not attempting to stop the government spending. Well slap me silly! What then would be the purpose of the injunction? The hairbrained idea was concocted by Julius (probably to prove that Francis will follow just about any idiotic idea)and now the PUP finds itself in a quandary.

That quandary was put into focus at their press conference when Fonseca babbled to try to explain away that the PUP has absolutely nothing to show for the time when they were in control of the Petro Caribe funds. He went so far as to say that the 82 million dollars worth of imported fuel during 2007 and 2009 was a pittance. It should be recalled that under the agreement those imports would have accumulated 60 percent of the grand total amounting to some 49.2 percent. Those monies should have been invested in Belize’s development but they never were. It is also of note that the company bringing in the fuel  Petro-Fuel reported importing only 63 million dollars worth of products amounting to 113 million dollars in sales. Taking away expenditures and taxes that would mean that that company would have made a handsome 39 million dollars in profits from the sales. And yet still 19 million dollars worth of imported fuels were never reported.

This is just what the PUP is all about and now their asinine maneuver to have government stop the development of the country will simply not set well with the masses who at this very moment are employed and the country is moving forward.