Hogs throw Hog outa Hog Pen! PUP gets rid of Arthur Saldivar


arthur saldivar.jpg - 40.89 KbWe cannot begin to imagine what kind of soul-searching the PUP must have gone through in the past 21 days but it appears that they believe they have found something that resembles it. This, after they decided to once and for all rid themselves of Arthur Saldivar. Saldivar has a whirlwind of allegations of impropriety swirling about him and the stench that is rising from these allegations is too much for even the PUP to handle.

This party which is known and is proven to be the most corrupt in this country is holding its nose while simultaneously casting Arthur Saldivar out of their hog pen. Their leader, Francis Fonseca, boldly made the declaration on Wednesday afternoon during a press conference. Saldivar was immediately removed from his position as PUP standard Bearer and member of the national executive of their party.
Fonseca says the decision was taken after they reviewed the outcome of a so-called investigation which was carried about Saldivar’s behavior. In typical PUP fashion, the outcome of the investigation was not made public so what it did or did not uncover about Saldivar’s behavior will never

Arthur Saldivar has been accused on multiple occasions by various people alleged that he takes money and does not provide work as an attorney. He is also accused of bullyragging people on behalf of clients and most recently of out rightly stealing almost a million dollars from one of his clients. We are not certain if any of these allegations were actually investigated to any full extent to have him ousted but we are certain that we have not heard the last of Saldivar as he is known to like to run off his mouth. Pretty soon we do anticipate for this to happen and then he will not be the only hog that can be identified in the hog pen.