Deputy Commissioner Charged for Manslaughter

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segura.jpg - 121.62 KbDeputy Police Commissioner Miguel Segura, the #2 cop in the Belize Police Department, is out on bail after being arraigned on 6 criminal charges for being involved in an accident which killed a woman and  left another man hospitalized. The loss of life is a serious matter that he is facing, but another damning accusation he currently faces is that as a senior police officer, he was driving drunk, putting the lives of other motorists at risk. A blood sample test has confirmed that the 48 year-old cop was under the influence of alcohol above the prescribed limit.

The accident happened between miles 70 and 71 on the outskirts of Succotz Village in the Cayo District. 54 year-old Succotz Resident Yolanda Consuelo Valencia was in a blue Toyota Corolla taxi, which was being driven by her close relative, 28 year-old Yanie Evan Cu. They were heading to the San Ignacio market like they usually do every Saturday so that Valencia could sell her vegetables and other goods.
At around 5:35 a.m., on Saturday, August 16, they had a head-on collision with Deputy Commissioner Segura, who was driving a government issued Nissan Pathfinder. He was heading back to his home in Benque Viejo Town, reportedly after a night of partying in San Ignacio. Eyewitness reports suggest that he was veering all over the highway, and missed another motorist’s vehicle before he slammed into the taxi.
Valencia is believed to have died on impact, while Cu struggled inside the taxi before aid was rendered to him. Shortly after it happened, a civilian caught Miguel Segura on cellular phone footage placing his gun inside his pants pocket, zipping up his pants and taking a smoke a few feet away from where Valencia’s body lay. He has come under a firestorm of criticism for being too callous, cold, and not contemplating the enormity of what his actions caused. Some have used the video as proof suggesting that his demeanour clearly shows that he was drunk.

Two days after the accident happened, Commissioner Allen Whylie, Segura’s Commanding Officer, held a press conference to report to the nation that contrary to the speculation and cynicism on the social media, Segura will not be treated preferentially due to his rank. He was suspended and interdicted from active duty, effective immediately, and a few hours later, Segura was criminally charged. He’s now facing 6 charges including, manslaughter by negligence, causing death by careless conduct, driving without due care and attention, negligent grievous harm, failing to alter the direction of his vehicle to give way to the taxi he ran into, and driving a motor vehicle with an alcohol concentration above the prescribed limit.

He was arraigned before Magistrate Aretha Ford in Belmopan on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, where no plea was taken. He was granted bail in the sum of $6,000 with the conditions that he is to stay away from the prosecution witnesses, and the family of the victims, report to the Benque Police every Friday, and attend all adjournments of his criminal case. He was released on bail, and must return to court on October 9.