Another accusation against Arthur Saldivar – Woman claims she paid for services which she is yet to receive

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scoundrel front page.jpg - 48.07 KbDangriga resident, Hortence Serrano told the Guardian that she has formally lodged a complaint against Arthur Saldivar after she made payments for him to render services but he has not done so. According to Serrano she engaged the attorney through an agent of his, Clinton Hernandez, since 2012 during which she requested that he assist in settling a land dispute which her 93 year old mother finds herself in.

Since the time of engagement and up to this time no services have been done and Serrano has receipts showing that she has paid a total of $4,750 to Saldivar via his agent. Since she was unable to get any services out of the attorney, Serrano has opted to file court proceedings against Saldivar in the Magistrate’s Court in Dangriga. She told us that she has been to court no less than 8 times to get Saldivar and the agent to return the money but to no avail. The last adjournment was Thursday August 7th and Saldivar was a no show.

Serrano added that she is tired of trying to get her money back and finds herself left with no recourse but to lodge a complaint against Arthur Saldivar to the Bar Association. She did so and on Friday August 8, she formally made that complaint to the association for their action.

Even with that, Saldivar remains unmoved by Serrano’s action, not even contacting her to state whether he will do the work or pay back the money.

Serrano is now added to a mounting list of persons from whom Saldivar has taken money from in the past and he has not rendered any services to. Among these persons whom Saldivar took money from in the past and did no services for are U.S. Attorney, Richard Gentry who came out swinging at Saldivar back in July of 2012. Then there were John and Cynthia Englehardt. Even worse, Saldivar had to appear in court after he refused to pay GST last year. The most disappointing thing in the whole affair is that nobody has ever publicly said anything about this kind of behavior within the legal fraternity.