Carnival 2009 – a story of Challenges and Triumph

Mahogany Masqueraders’ Queen
Mahogany Masqueraders’ Queen

Mahogany Masqueraders’ QueenThere were many obstacles that threatened to prevent Carnival 2009 from being the spectacular event that Belizeans have come to expect. The first challenge was to secure funding in a very difficult economic time. Most businesses have cut back on sponsorship of any type during this global recession and carnival bands struggled as a result. They coped by holding more fundraising activities than ever before. The second challenge was that some schools decided to restrict their students from participating in the carnival activities.

After heavy lobbying, some of them lifted that restriction until further notice. Mother Nature was the third obstacle as rain poured in the early morning of carnival. However, that did not dampen the spirits of those who were already up parading through the streets of Belize City in the jouvert which started at 4a.m.

The actual carnival road march did not start until later in the afternoon at about 1:30p.m. An angry sky threatened the masqueraders and spectators during the entire parade but that had no effect on the enthusiasm that was on display through the streets on Saturday, September 19. The five junior bands led the parade. Those youths showed that they were more than capable of completing the entire route.

When they crossed the Belcan Bridge their legs were still fresh as they danced and jumped up and down. There were also six senior bands. Most agree that the most active members of those bands were the heavier women. They were also the most entertaining. Recognition must be given to the Travellers float which was very beautiful and even had live performances by Kenny Morgan himself.
The Carnival Road March ended at the Marion Jones Stadium. The winner for the Junior Mass Camp was revealed to be Mahogany Masqueraders, while Mother Nature’s Creation won for the senior bands. For the road march, Mahogany Masqueraders made it a clean sweep as they won Junior King and Queen, Mass Camp and the Junior Road March. Pickstock Carnival Band won second place and Sunshine Masqueraders came in third for the juniors. Mother Nature’s Creation won in the Senior Category for the Road March as well. Second place went to Eternity Mass Band and third place went to Jam Jam Carnival Band.