PUP Land Galore in Valley of Peace

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luke and julius.jpg - 642.21 KbJulius Espat has been trying to create mischief with the Valley of Peace farmers who have been farming on land which belongs to Green Tropics Limited. He has been the guiding hand instigating the farmers to take Green Tropics to court for them to not only get compensated for damage which was done to their crops by Green Tropics when they were conducting spraying in their property but to also get the land itself.

While it would seem like Espat is doing a hero’s job, what he does not tell people in the community is who the original owner of the land was. By our quick research, the land was purchased by Green Tropics from a company called Cresswell Ventures Ltd (the name does ring as an Aschcroft affiliated company and by extension a Belize Bank affiliated company). Further research has determined that Cresswell Ventures came in possession of the land after it got it from Gulf Atlantic Company Ltd. (the name does ring as a Luke Espat Company) which must have lost it to the Belize Bank. It must be noted that Luke Espat and Julius Espat are related to one another.  Now if Julius were so interested in the people of Valley of Peace, he would have instigated for them to move on the land when it was in possession of his family member. But playing a malicious PUP politician, he did not do so. Instead he is instigating people in the village when he and his family member no longer have vested interest in the land.

But Espat, as disingenuous as he is, he is also not saying who else owns land in the Valley of Peace area. And instead of instigating for farmers to occupy Green Tropics land, maybe he should instigate that they illegally squat on land belonging to his fellow PUP Florencio Marin who has quite a land holding in Valley of Peace as well. Based on our research, Marin holds 1,420 acres of land in that area under his name. There are other land holdings which can be linked to the Marins which bring the land holdings up to 2,500 acres in the area.

The question of course is, Why does not Julius Espat instigate the Valle y of Peace residents to occupy these lands? More pertinently however is the question, How is it that Luke Espat and Florencio Marin have such large land holdings? Can anyone say PUP Land Galore?