Octavia Waight Center in San Ignacio holds Mother’s Day event


The Octavia Waight Center in San Ignacio Town held a mother’s day event for its 28 residents on Sunday of this past weekend. In celebrating Mother’s Day, the Board of Directors at the Octavia Waight Center also shared the joy of Mother’s Day with some 325 mothers from the San Ignacio and Santa Elena Twin Towns and surrounding communities.

For this year there was a special presentation by talented singer Ben Mckoy from the Professional Band of Jesus Acosta. Ben Mckoy sang to the mothers his signature tune, “War on Cancer” and in doing so thanked Belize’s First Lady, Kim Simplis Barrow, for her support in the battle against cancer in Belize.

Representing the Board of Directors at Octavia Waight was Claudette Hulse who paid a special tribute to all mothers.

“Today is indeed a very special day as we celebrate and give thanks to God for our beloved mothers…The physical, emotional and psychological endeavor that mothers go through during pregnancy and birthing is enough reason by itself for this special tribute.”

Claudette Hulse also described the challenges of motherhood,

“In its entirety, motherhood is a tough 24 hour job without pay and without day off. Mothers play so many roles in our lives. Mothers, unceasingly take on the role of a teacher, nurse, counselor, chauffeur, cook, friend, and the list goes on,” she said.

Presenting a special gift to a mom on behalf of the San Ignacio and Santa Elena Town Council was Ms. Shary Medina, who herself had gifted a wooden reclining chair to a mother on Sunday.

In his main address to the mothers, Evan Dakers, Chairman of Help Age Belize reminded that mothers are the foundation of society and that we need to ensure that we give them all the support that we can ; regardless of how old they are or their economic or social status.

The mothers were presented with many gifts thanks to the business community and were entertained by several musical groups. Some of the individual sponsors at this year’s mother day celebration at the Octavia Waight Conference Hall were Omar Figueroa, Martha Galvez, Patricia Bradley and Eddy Cano. Businesses that gave towards the celebration over the weekend are Hode’s Place, Chaa Creek, Running W Meats, San Ignacio Hotel, Shell Gas Station, Aguada Hotel, Chuc’s Service Station, Saint Martin’s Credit Union, Scotiabank and Cahal Petch Village.