Ray Cattouse charged with trying to run over Chester Williams!

Raymond Cattouse
Raymond Cattouse

Raymond Cattouse
Raymond Cattouse
46-year-old businessman, well-known for his trucking business, Raymond Cattouse, appeared before the Chief Magistrate this morning to answer to the charge of aggravated assault with a car allegedly committed upon Superintendent of Police Chester Williams.

The alleged assault occurred on November 1, 2008, but it is not certain what took the department this long to levy the criminal charges against the businessman despite the fact that the matter was report from the day the alleged crime is said to have occurred.

In Court #1 Cattouse pleaded not guilty to the charge and was offered bail in the sum of $1,500 which he met before 12:00 noon this afternoon and was free to go.

Allegations being made against Cattouse by Superintendent Chester Williams is that on November 1, 2008, at about 12:00 noon, he was driving his vehicle on Freetown Road and was passing the new roundabout when he saw a White King Cab Dodge Dakota Pick-up Truck over take him recklessly.

Williams claims that the recklessness of the driver caused him to hit another vehicle as a result. He then set chase after the driver of the vehicle that caused him to crash into the other vehicle and caught up with him in front of Cellular Plus on Freetown Road.


According to Williams, he approached the driver whom he identified as Raymond Cattouse, and identified himself as a police officer, but Cattouse, just got back into his vehicle and drove off almost hitting him. According to Williams, he had to rush out of Cattouse’s way in order to avoid being run over by him. Raymond Cattouse’s case was adjourned for May 27.