28 years and development is being seen


On the 21st of September the people of Belize will be celebrating the 28th anniversary of our independence. Independence like any individual’s birthday can be used as a time when we consider not only our age but where we have come from. On this celebration of our Independence we should take time to do just that, consider where Belize has come from as a nation. More importantly we must consider where we were but a year and a half ago. 

At that time under the PUP administration the country was bordering bankruptcy, corruption was the order of the day; the people were unhappy to the point of open rebellion against the ruling government. The hopes within just about every single Belizean had been dwindled to the point that most thought that better days would never come back to Belize. That changed however and now we can take stock and see that on this Independence Day we have much to be grateful for. There are steps being taken to ensure that there is progress across the nation. There is development, that development in terms of infrastructure had not been taking place for a decade.

There are not many resources to do what has to be done, but that which is being made available is being properly used. There are huge investments being made in education, opportunities are being given to students that had not been seen before. Recently the Social Investment Fund has been making impressive investments in schools, water systems, drainage systems that will truly benefit the people of this country. Added to that there have been true and real Investments that are being done in the medical sector. Take all of these things and anyone can see that this government that is leading the nation as it celebrates its 28 years of existence is bent on ensuring that we get what we should, development for all.

While things are going well with the investment in national development, we must remember that all cannot be accomplished in a short time. Bringing a country from the brink is a difficult task. The steps being taken are small but significant and no one can expect that within the space of a year and a half all will be fixed. What can be expected however is that slowly and surely the United Democratic Party government will ensure that despite the challenges faced, both nationally and internationally, all will feel the effects of true national development. Â