$$$22 Million More for Teachers and Public Officers – PLUS Salary Adjustment!!!

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pm dean barrow.jpg - 59.32 KbHon. Prime Minister Barrow will introduce the General Revenue Appropriation Bill 2014 on Friday, March 7, and will be asking members of the House of Representatives to approve a million increase for salaries to public servants.

The negotiating teams of the Government of Belize and Unions agreed on a formula for a salary increase for public officers in fiscal year 2014/2015. The salary increase is based on the amount of increased revenue collected in the fiscal year 2013/2014 as compared to 2012/2013. Fifty percent of every additional dollar in revenue would be allocated to the salary increase of public officers.

The last meeting Prime Minister Barrow held with union leaders was on Thursday, January 30, in which they were updated on the performance of the economy and revenue collection. After that meeting, Prime Minister Barrow shared publicly that the figures were showing the public officers and teachers would get no less than a 4-percent salary increase from revenues collected.

One month later, after more revenue was collected, Prime Minister Barrow was able to announce to the nation that “We are looking at $22 million more in salaries to public officers and teachers and by our calculations that represents not less than a 5-percent salary increase.” In addition to the 5-percent salary increase, teachers and public officers will also receive their annual salary adjustment, known as the increment, of 2.5 percent.

The salary increase was made possible in large part due to the performance of state- owned companies. Though Government cannot guarantee similar performance by these companies in upcoming years, the salary increase is permanent. Prime Minister Barrow says, “We will find a way to pay it and not just this year but next year and the following year.” To teachers and public officers he requests, “At the very least they should give back to this society by way of better performance.” And since union leaders are already talking about additional salary increases in upcoming years, he says they should “agree to some sort of merit base calculation before you come to talk about any additional salary increase because ultimately this thing must be paid for.”