Conspiracy Theories


Conspiracy theories are often and correctly written off as the products of an over active imagination.  However, at times they are the true explanation for events that cannot otherwise be explained.  Consider the scenario unfolding in Belize.  While this region and many others are mired in negative economic growth, increasing unemployment rates, spiraling inflation and surging violence, Belize is experiencing steady positive economic expansion, greater employment opportunities, low inflation and a marked decrease in violent crime.  The Superbond Monster has been tamed though not entirely defeated; the Sugar Industry that was on the verge of collapse has been revitalized bringing increased income to cane farmers; utility rates have gone down; infra-structure improvement are visible country wide; primary school completion and access to secondary school has increased dramatically with changes in education funding protocols bringing financial relief to thousands of families; and internationally admired pro-poor policies administered in a non-partisan fashion have brought hope for a better future to those most in need.   Although instances of individual corruption continue to be uncovered both in the private and the public sector there is no evidence of institutional corruption such as that practiced on a massive scale by the previous PUP government.   The important difference, one that opinion makers are not generally drawing, is between an individual who accepts payment to game the system and a system that is set up to siphon public funds into private well connected hands. 

Naturally, people are never satisfied and are always seeking better for themselves and their families, usually to the benefit of all.  Doubtless there are genuine disagreements over particular issues and instances of governmental failures that need to be addressed.  Nevertheless, the current sustained chorus of protest about every aspect of government policy suggests a hidden agenda.  Any plausible conspiracy theory must have a guiding hand with something to gain.  Several individuals and organizations that would benefit from destabilising the present government come to mind.  Though many are indeed involved they are for the most part bit actors playing along for the glory. One of these supporting roles is filled by the PUP, still largely disorganized and without credible leadership and whose attempts at re-branding will continue to fail as long as the Party is run by the unreformed Old Guard. Other parts are played by members of the third parties and various protest groups but these have gained insufficient support and momentum to build a membership or support base on any scale. The traditional Social Partners have little in common with each other except a desire to exert more influence on the national stage and make unusual partners.

 However, there is a figure hiding in the shadows who does have the financial resources, the organizational expertise and the single-minded hunger for power required to mastermind a large scale conspiracy. This person has much to gain from replacing a government he cannot control with a more pliable one that is beholden to him, especially since he has successfully controlled its members in the past.  This is a man who has publicly boasted about how cheap it was to buy a Belizean election.

Spending a few million dollars to reward the leaders of half a dozen organizations and organize their energies can be seen as a good investment to a businessman if it results in a government that will reward these efforts with hundreds of millions in tax exemptions and secret accommodation agreements.  An invisible hand poured a lot of money into marginal rural constituencies in the last election to unexpected effect; someone (and almost certainly not the Union) with marketing knowledge paid for thousands of printed green T-shirts for the teachers; someone was advising cane farmers through their Association to take a very uncompromising position on negotiations with BSI although it almost destroyed their livelihoods and in the end wiser heads appear to have prevented a complete stalemate;  small protest organizations with memberships counted on one hand somehow find the resources to employ full time staff.  These and other examples offer compelling evidence that the current blossoming of protests are part of a larger plan. 

Remember, it is not paranoid to believe in conspiracy theories if there really is someone out to get you!