McNab Beating Cancer and Spreading Christmas Cheer


The Mcnab Family has a lot to be thankful for this Christmas. Less than three years ago Mrs. Rosalee Gomez Mcnab was diagnosed with stage four uterus cancer. She had recently thrown a party for children from across Belize City in 2011 when she returned home to Los Angeles and had to visit the doctor to have fluids drained from her back. She then had to make a second visit three days later to have fluids drained from her back again. Three pints of fluids was drained from her back in that three day span and further tests showed she had cancer and the tumor was pressing against her lungs. There were no previous signs of illness before she was diagnosed with stage four uterus cancer.

Rosalee’s husband, Densfield, daughter, Barbara McNab Grinage, and the rest of her family were not about to give up on her. She had been in the United States for over 25 years and Densfield had retired from working with the phone company Pacific Bell after 30 years. Therefore, the couple had Medicare benefits and great health insurance. Rosalee had a lung operation, hysterectomy and six months of chemotherapy. She was cared for by five specialists and a private doctor. Though there were times when she was so down that she didn’t even have strength to pick up a phone, Rosalee’s spirit was always lifted by the kind words sent from friends in Belize and the prayers she knew was going up on her behalf. Rosalee remembers the time she started regaining her strength and her serious craving for “pepitos and tamales from home”. She has been cancer free for a year and a half now and says during the tough times all you can do is “have faith and pray”. As she regained strength Rosalee felt the urge to continue her favourite family tradition, bringing smiles to less fortunate children in Belize City.

She has been living in the United States for 27 years and up until her cancer diagnosis Rosalee had tried to have a party for children every year. The parties are usually held during the Easter holidays or around the month of September. However, her daughter Barbara McNabb Grinage of the YouTube hit cooking show “Bare Pantry Show” suggested that they do it for Christmas this year. Barbara encouraged her viewers to make donations to the party. Using donations from viewers of Barbara’s show as well as funds from the family’s chain of businesses they were able to purchase more than two hundred gifts for boys and girls. They shipped the gifts using their own BLUEFIELD FREIGHT service and Mrs. McNabb gave fifteen tickets to all the people who were praying for her and sending words of encouragement. Those people then invited children from their neighbourhood whom they believe are most deserving of a Christmas gift.

The special McNab Christmas party took place on Sunday, December 22nd, at the family residence on 8th Street in the Kings Park area. Approximately 200 children attended and were well entertained. Joe Lawrence was the MC and deejay. He had the young children and older guests dancing to hype Belizean music. The children received balloons shaped in the likeness of animals and hats from Ozzy the Clown’s son and protégé. They also had their face painted before being served with chips and dip, snow cones, sandwiches, cupcakes and tarts. Rosalee’s relatives and close friends participated in the family extravaganza by serving their guests; not only with food and drinks but with warmth and friendly smiles. Even Belize’s newest Centenarian, Mrs. Leonora Patnett, attended and had a blast. Mrs. Patnett is actually the inspiration behind the Mcnab’s festivities. Rosalee said when she was younger she was one of the many children who were always invited to Mrs. Leonora’s daughter’s parties. It was then that Rosalee said, “If I could, I am going to have a party every year for children!” She says the yearly parties have become extremely important for her family- “I just feel like I should give back and I train my children to give back too for God’s blessings.”

The McNabs wish to thank all the Belizeans at home and in the United States who continue to support their business initiatives. They would not be able to bring smiles to the faces of hundreds of children yearly if Belizeans didn’t purchase their Bel Aqua Purified Water out of Georgeville or shipped their goods using BLUEFIELD FREIGHT out of Los Angeles for the last 25 years. The McNabs hope to keep the Christmas party as part of their annual activities.