Workings of Globe


“What we call chaos is just patterns we haven’t recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can’t decipher. What we can’t understand we call nonsense. What we can’t read we call gibberish”.  Chuck Palahniuk

The volume of ideas and information that bombards our minds daily creates a competition among time, attention and interest on what to process and what to integrate and differentiate, what to think, what to believe, what to ignore and what to accept on a guideline basis of what is measured as effective and powerful.  The “Mind Map” processing machine weaves through the web of information associating them with stored ideas and cross correlating them with flexibility until that sequence, that pattern jumps on the page of the mental plate, employing innovative thinking, creativity, and imagination that transforms to reality.  

For over 4000 years, number patterns have been a fascination of the ancient in employment of financial trends and even human life cycles and all other aspects of human life and its surroundings.  A time line was derived from complex analysis to indicate best dates to buy, sell and invest within their trading arena in those times.  In more contemporary times where there is enormous, disproportionate, concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a relatively small number of 6,000 people, one in a million on a planet of six billion:  the rules, history, trends, shapes and patterns of global times are obviously different.
Unprecedented levels of magnanimous upper levers of wealth and power fed by the growing economic maximization into a smaller space.  A world economy where the complex strategy of Adam Smith’s dream engages law of “comparative advantage” and supply and demand to allow the flow of trade and capital across boundaries and across barriers.  Operating in a smooth flow of integrated strings of production and finance within the cloth of the interdependent global train, thus allowing for efficiency and large scale profitability and productivity.  Whose presence of “regional” is obviously becoming more pointing to eventually literally converge into one large mechanism of one bigger play, the ‘universal’? 

Naturally, the more ‘open’ the economies, the more integration and interdependency within the ‘ideal’ global ‘oneunity-community’.  The wheels churn out economic aid ‘a plenty’ to encourage openness such as for instance in Western Europe and Japan.  Within this, it may be a reasonable observation by many that Cuba and Venezuela are a case on their own, only in shallow empty words it may be assumed while China with its rising significant importance based on its economic empire has some valuable “chips” in her hand.
Nevertheless, regardless of the interest in the observation which may be tilted by cynicism, hostility, outright hypocrisy, or dependence and necessity:  open economies prosper when technology and capital are driven by global integration and interdependence.  Of course some benefit and prosper more than others, but such are the laws of competitive advantage which should otherwise further encourage more innovativeness and productivity.  Thus the pessimistic words of Hume, 250 years ago on lack of economic cooperation as he moaned:  “..the malignity and envy of nations can never bear to see their neighbors thriving” have infact clearly not been the case on the wider scale.

Or does this lead to further question of the smooth strings of “global machine” and in fact whether or not the words of Hume really are that unrealistic or do they perhaps have a level of certitude in a recalcitrant world?  Examples: The Spanish-American War (1898), World War I and World War II; The Great Depression; the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917; the Rise of Nazi Germany; the Korean War; the Vietnam War; the 1989-91 fall of Soviet Communism, the 1991 Gulf War;  the Kosovo War, the French Revolution and the list goes on and on. The latest episode in the ‘globalized’ world drama:  oil, yes again. Definitely we cannot survive without oil and gas, and when the supply runs out, the great engine without its efficient and productive substitute will most likely grind to a halt. What is open, what is close, what is trade, what is free, what is fair in a world, or is it: European Union, NAFTA, CAFTA, PARTA, ASEAN, UNASUR and the list goes on? Or is it actually acceptable to assume Hans Morgenthau definition of the real global machine ‘power’ as “that which maintains the control of man over man”?  Latest figures confirm that the world’s oil and natural gas supplies are running out too fast. And at some point, between 2010 and 2020, the world’s supply of oil and gas will be below the level required to meet international demand of oil consumption which presently exceeds 25 billion barrels a year.  It is therefore only a matter of time and it is inevitable. Unless of course…