Dr. Abdulai Osman Conteh honoured with “Merito De Magistratura Bahia”

Dr. Abdulai Conteh
Dr. Abdulai Conteh

Dr. Abdulai ContehAt about 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday April 21, in a rather surprising ceremony the CJ of Belize, the Hon. Dr. Abdulai Osman Conteh was honoured with the medal of Merit, Merito Da Magistratura Bahia by H. E. Ambassador of Brazil, Roberto Pre Coutintto who was accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Etcheebarne.

The ceremony was held in the Chief Justice’s courtroom and was attended by the judges of the Supreme Court and magistrates.

After being honoured with the medal, the Chief Justice who expressed his surprise in receiving the medal said that he was indeed honoured to have been chosen. The merit came in commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of the Court of Appeals of Brazil in Bahia which was first established in 1609.

The Chief Justice explains that that he and other heads of judiciaries in the hemisphere were invited to attend the occasion which was held earlier this year, but unfortunately he could not be present.

The Chief Justice said that he was given the merit in recognition of his services to the judiciary of Belize and the law.