Drugs in Corozal, 107 pounds of weed


By Jem Smith
A late night police operation in Corozal netted a drug bust with more than 100 pounds of cannabis being taken off the streets. Corozal police were conducting a special operation on Thursday, July 8, when around 11:45 that night, their efforts were fruitful. They were in an area known as the Smugglers Den in Consejo Village, Corozal, when they saw two Hispanic men riding on separate bicycles. Each of the men was carrying a large black bundle as they were coming from the direction of the lagoon. Upon seeing the police, both men alighted their bicycles and ran into the nearby bushes through which they made their escape. The men left behind their bicycles as well as the packages. When checked, the officers discovered a total of 60 smaller packages in each bundle, each containing suspected cannabis. Because the men managed to from the police, the drugs were taken to the police station where it was processed and weighed, amounting to 107 pounds. The drugs were labeled, sealed, and deposited as found property.