Two new fire trucks for Placencia


The Placencia Fire Station was gifted with two fire trucks on Monday, January 18, 2021 to help to increase the village’s capacity in response to fires. These trucks were delivered courtesy of the Joanna Volunteer Fire Department and Cross Hill Fire Department of South Carolina. Delivery of the trucks was facilitated by the United States Embassy in Belize with the assistance of the U.S. Southern Command and the Denton Program. Senior Defense Officials received it for U.S. Embassy, Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Jones and Fire Chief Colin Gillett, and David Kafka.
Kafka played a major role in acquiring the trucks, making pleas over social media for trucks for the peninsula. Kafka worked as a firefighter in South Carolina and has since migrated to Placencia where he is currently a member of the Fire Board and volunteer firefighter.
One of the two fire trucks will be used to reduce response times, while the other will be used as a tender to increase the water supply. The trucks come with equipment, foam, and bunker gear to increase their capacity to respond and fight fires.