For the last week or so there has been much discussion going on in regard to Belize’s Occupational Safety and Health Bill or the OSH Bill as it is more popularly called. Many organizations and individuals have opined. However, there has being no explanation of what are the objectives of the OSH Bill.
We have since taken the time to take a look of what are the objectives of the bill.
The OSH Bill covers nine main objectives. They are meant to (1) secure the safety, health and welfare of workers at work; (2) protect persons other than workers against risks; [of accidents] (to safety or health arising out of the activities of workers); (3) to promote a safe and healthy occupational environment for workers that protects them from injury and occupational disease and that is adapted to their safety, health, physiological and psychological needs; (4) to foster a cooperative and consultative relationship between employers and workers on the safety, health and welfare of workers at work and in achieving the objectives of this Act; (5) to ensure that risks to safety and health are identified, assessed and eliminated or controlled; (6) to develop and promote community awareness of occupational safety and health issues; (7) to provide a legislative framework that allows for progressively higher standards of occupational safety and health to take account of changes in technology and work practices; (8) to protect persons other than workers against risks to safety and health arising from the use of plant [facility] that affects public safety and (9) to give effect to the international law obligations of the Government of Belize relating to safety and health at workplace.