PM Barrow on BATSUB and Grenades


In an interview on Wednesday, January 6, the Prime Minister of Belize was asked whether or not he will seek help from the British Government to deal with the grenade situation. BATSUB has claimed responsibility for 24 grenades that are unaccounted for; however, the British forces have legal immunity here in Belize. But the question of moral suasion still stood. PM Barrow said it would be good if moral suasion would prompt them to do more,

but he doesn’t believe that would ever work.

PM said that this is now our responsibility to take the grenades off the street. He said we have to sleep with our own eyes. That is why the Government of Belize has increased funding for police intelligence in an effort to track down the grenades. Help from the British would be welcomed, but PM quoted an Arab saying that goes: “Trust in God but tie your camel”.