Time to Classify: 1st, 2nd…2.1 ..2 ¼ ..3rd class


It is a very common clever device that when anyone has attained the summit of greatness, he kicks away the ladder by which he has climbed up in order to deprive others of the means of climbing up after him.
German economist Friedrick List in 1841

In one form or another, many economists espouse the well-known trickle-down economics, or what may be called “tricklism”, whereby prosperity is supposed to seep, drop by drop, from the top down to the bottom. Not surprisingly, though less than a thousand millionaires have as much wealth as the poorest 2.5 billion people of the planet. But this isn’t necessarily a bad ‘thing’, if leavened with common sense, compassion and independent thought. Rather than being driven by: self “interest” policies where it then becomes not of the public interest and of mutual benefit to all, but one of pure misguided private interest.  Whether it be fallacious policies such as “tax breaks”, subsidies or of any particularly economic interest which are designed purely to serve the special interest of an already, privileged and wealth “few”:  it is simply wrong. It is only economically not wise to do so, but more importantly morally ‘wrong’ and unjust to the majority of people. 

But perhaps as G. Seldes (1890 – 1995) exclaimed we have become so blinded, that rather than see what is in a free and open society, we have become like “prostitutes” serving and supporting the powerful interests as paid liars.  Rather preferring to serve the interests of those who don’t need it as much at this time, the largest pocket while the empty pockets can rot to ‘hell’. Ignoring and insulting the under privileged, the ignorant and those with no fault at all for whatever circumstances they are in,  with a “lens” of self righteousness and judgmental based on ignorance rather than on compassion and understanding. But perhaps why not, bring on the days of the 1930’s, let’s get ready to “classify”. You are 1st class, you are human, and you are safely wedded. While you on the other hand, you are 2nd class, you are subhuman and you are not married, what a disgrace!  I now pronounce you denigrated to ‘sub sub human’ and 3rd class citizen, so be it!  Perhaps we should start to divide by pigmentation also.  But let’s move on! 

There is nothing striking here though so let’s just continue to protect the “special interest” of those we serve with virtually no concern over the welfare of those who are most directly and personally harmed especially at this time by misguided strategies and those who have made the most sacrifices.  And then again, “realistically”, let’s proclaim what we love:  wealth and poverty do not just exist in an unfortunate but innocent juxtaposition. They endure in a close “dynamic interrelationship”. Wealth creates poverty and relies on it for its own continued existence. Without slaves how could the slaveholder live in the lavish style to which he is accustomed? Without serfs or overworked peasants, how could the lord be to the manor born? Without the working poor, how could the leisurely rich make do? With no underprivileged, who would be privileged?

So indeed it is okay, let’s classify and reclassify!  While supposedly the “trickle down trick” may eventually trickle down to the desperate and anxious majority, especially in times where it is most needed for “economic growth”. Perhaps though it is all okay, why not!  Let’s set common goals, and coordinate activities by chanting the “holy grail”:  high incomes and tax cuts for the wealthy are good because they create jobs.  While wage increases for workers are always bad because they create inflation. Corporate profits are good.  While protection of working conditions are expensive, benefit primarily workers, and are therefore bad, economic growth is good, as long as it increases profits.  Economic growth is excessive and bad, if wages start to go up. Such one sided irrational arguments just display the level of arrogance and ignorance in this era by the deep ingrained “classism” and inbred “inequality” that still so unfortunately is prevalent in a “modern age” society. 

Indeed it may seem so surprising that it sounds even comical, but such irrational archaic “classist” acts are still the treat of the day.  Unimaginable at such a day and age, but it is the reality being expounded around. In sum, in this “modern day and age” for such one sided archaic ‘classist’ ideological thoughts to even be mentioned out loud, that is the true ‘disgrace’ and ‘shame’.  Plain and simple. The well known “free market” economist and Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman, most rightly said:  “The greatest problem facing our country is the breaking down into two classes, those who have and those who have not. The growing differences between the incomes of the skilled and the less skilled, the educated and the uneducated, pose a very real danger. If that widening rift continues, we’re going to be in terrible trouble…..We cannot remain a democratic, open society that is divided into two classes.”  Time to classify:  you are will always be 1st class, while you are 2nd class, perhaps a fraction of a class such as 2.1 or 2 ¼ class and then of course let us not forget 3rd class!